ESWEEK Bylaws (September 2023)

This document describes the main organizational structure and operational procedures put in place for ESWEEK. The document contains a general set of guidelines that have been reviewed by the ESWEEK Steering Committee (SC); the ESWEEK SC may modify/change these guidelines from year to year.

Version History:

  • December 2014: The ESWEEK SC unanimously approved the original version of this document.
  • November 2015: The position of “ESWEEK Conference Chair” was approved in November 2015.
  • May 2021:The ESWEEK SC is expanded to include a rotating pool of 4 GC-level individuals:  past 2 GCs + current GC + next GC (i.e., VGC).  Approved May 2021.
  • April 2023:Updated Bylaws with SC rotation rules & selection of SC Chair.
  • September 2023: Added inviting ESWEEK-associated journal EiCs to the in-person extended SC meeting at ESWEEK.

ESWEEK Conferences and Associated Events

ESWEEK comprises 3 main conferences and several associated symposia and workshops. There is a single budget for the 3 conferences, symposia and workshops. They also share the same sponsoring societies. The IEEE and ACM sponsor ESWEEK and therefore all technical events inside ESWEEK. For example, the CODES+ISSS Proceedings show that it is sponsored by ACM and IEEE.

The 3 main conferences in ESWEEK are:

  1. CASES (International Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems,;
  2. CODES+ISSS (International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis,;
  3. EMSOFT (International Conference on Embedded Software,

All three conferences are held in parallel with sessions lined up to allow attendees to move from one conference to another freely. Each registered person is allowed to attend sessions in any of the 3 conferences, and receives proceedings for all the conferences (one registration pays all!).

ESWEEK normally organizes a free tutorial day with 4 half-day tutorials.

The three main conferences in ESWEEK typically share 3 keynote speeches, 2 panels, 3 special sessions, thetutorials selected by the OC, and all their own technical papers.

The respective responsible chairs (keynotes: General Chair; panels: Panels Chair; special sessions: each conference’s TPC Chair; and tutorials: Tutorials Chair) select speakers and content with the goal of forming a comprehensive and complementary program, under the overall guidance of the General Chair.

ESWEEK hosts several workshops in related areas, which allows attendees the opportunity to delve for 1-2 days into emerging as well as focused topics in much more detail.

All the ESWEEK main events (e.g., conferences, symposia, workshops, tutorials, education classes) share one budget, and a strong effort is made to make sure each event individually is financially in the black.

However, in addition, guest events are also welcome to join ESWEEK as co-located events in the same location/dates, but are handled separately budget-wise and sponsor-wise. That is, ESWEEK may help with some of the publicity and with the venue arrangements, but guest events pay their own expenses and are fully responsible for securing their own sponsorship.  These guest events must request the SC for permission to colocate every year.

ESWEEK normally seeks support from companies by means of grants/donations in exchange for putting their company names and logos during refreshment breaks, meals, in the proceedings, web sites and other materials.

All the dates are unified across the 3 conferences. The Call-For-Papers (CFP) goes out in the name of ESWEEK, but with sub-sections for each conference. The same submission deadline, and camera-ready deadline is used by the 3 conferences. There is one centralized paper submission web site in which the author then selects which conference he/she wants to submit his/her paper. Starting in 2009, the same page length has been adopted for submissions for all 3 conferences.

ESWEEK Committees

ESWEEK has three major sets of committees:

  1. ESWEEK Steering Committee (SC), which provides year-to-year guidance for the event.
  2. ESWEEK Organizing Committee (OC), which changes every year and manages the organization of each ESWEEK
  3. Technical Program Committee (TPC) for each conference/symposium/workshop affiliated with ESWEEK.

All committees need to work in close cooperation to ensure success of the entire event.

The roles and responsibilities of the ESWEEK SC and OC are outlined below.

ESWEEK Steering Committee (SC)

ESWEEK is led by the Steering Committee (SC) that provides long-term continuity and guidance for the event. The ESWEEK SC also selects the next ESWEEK GC and location for the ESWEEK conference. The SC is responsible for the further development of these organizational and operational structures.

The SC has the following members:

  • 6 conference representatives: 2 members from each conference (CASES, CODES+ISSS, and EMSOFT), who bring each conference’s perspective;
  • A rotating pool of 4 GCs: past 2 GCs (i.e., Past Past General Chair (PPGC) and Past General Chair (PGC)) + current GC + next GC (i.e., Vice-General Chair (VGC)). The rotating pool of GCs will enable effective planning of ongoing and future events; serve as a resource for the current and next GC in navigating professional society sponsorship issues; enhance fund raising for ESWEEK; provide historical context for recent ESWEEK organization; and strengthen the leadership pipeline for ESWEEK, and
  • The SC Chair, and in some years an SC Chair-Elect.

SC Chair Roles and Responsibilities

The SC Chair is responsible for calling SC meetings, liaising with sponsoring societies and the GC, selection of the next ESWEEK VGC, and selection of the ESWEEK location. The SC Chair will maintain a best practices guideline that includes suggested timelines for various SC Chair activities.

SC Chair-Elect Selection and SC Chair Term Limits

  • The SC Chair will serve a 4-year term.
  • The SC elects a SC Chair-Elect from the pool of current SC and the past SC members in the 3rd year of the current SC Chair’s term, serving as SC Chair-Elect concurrently with the SC Chair in the 4th year. The SC Chair-Elect shadows the SC Chair and is copied on all emails to prepare for the SC Chair position. The SC Chair-Elect assumes the SC Chair role after the 4th year.
  • During the term as SC Chair, the SC Chair cannot assume any other position at ESWeek and its conferences, such as: GC or VGC of ESWEEK, the SC Chair of ESWEEK conferences and symposia, and conference representative to the SC.
  • In the unlikely event of any split (even) votes in the SC, the SC Chair is authorized to resolve the vote after further consultation with SC members.
  • The election process of the SC Chair-Elect is run by the current SC Chair.
  • An individual can serve only one term as SC Chair.
  • A minimum of 2/3rds of the SC is required in the unlikely event that the SC needs to revisit the appointment of any SC member (including the SC Chair-Elect and the SC Chair).

SC Rotation and SC Term Limits

Conference Representatives:

Conference Representatives serve a 4-year term.  Each conference nominates 2 members to serve in the ESWEEK SC for the staggered 4-year term, with a new member joining every 2 years.

Rotating Pool of GCs:

The Rotating Pool of GCs serve a 4-year term. Every year the new VGC of ESWEEK will join the ESWEEK SC, and the current PPGC will retire from the ESWEEK SC.

An individual cannot serve in the ESWEEK SC for more than three terms, including a maximum of one term as SC Chair.

SC Meetings

The ESWEEK SC Chair will hold at least one annual face-to-face meeting — typically during the ESWEEK event — where the current General Chair gives a report on the event, lessons learned, and suggestions for improvement.  If appropriate, other members of the Organizing Committee (e.g., local arrangements) may also be invited to give a report.

Sponsoring society liaisons and EiCs of ESWEEK-associated journals will be invited to face-to-face SC meetings.  They will be included in the site selection discussions and other discussions as deemed appropriate by the SC Chair.  Society liaisons and ESWEEK-associated journal EiCs may participate in these discussions but will not have a vote on any SC matter.

ESWEEK Organizing Committee (OC)

The organization of ESWEEK is managed by an ESWEEK Organizing Committee (OC), while the technical program for the event is managed by each conference’s Technical Program Committee (TPC). Functions that can be shared across the event (e.g., Publications Chair) belong to the ESWEEK OC, whereas functions that are unique to each conference (e.g., Technical Program Chair) belong to each conference’s TPC.  All committees need to work in close cooperation to ensure success of the entire event.

The ESWEEK Organizing Committee has the following positions that represent the entire ESWEEK event (i.e., in the name of the 3 conferences and all workshops). The GC may appoint additional ad-hoc chairs for that year as needed.

  • General Chair (GC)
    • Main organizing position. The person who will keep all the sub-events in check and make sure everybody else does their job. This person is responsible for the keynote speeches (selecting them in agreement with the other chairs, inviting the speakers, etc). Responsible for overseeing fund-raising for the event, from: companies (with help of Industry Liaison); local city and governments; local universities and research labs; and other sources for giving donations, hosting receptions/banquets, organizing historical tours etc.  The GC transitions to Past General Chair (PGC) after the current event is over.   ESWEEK GC will maintain a best practice document for operation of ESWEEK that is updated by the current General Chair (GC)  every year.
  • Vice-General Chair (VGC)
    • 2nd main organizing position. It is expected that the GC will have more responsibilities than the VGC, but the VGC should be constantly involved and copied in all communication, and responsible for some of the overseeing activities. The GC/VGC team can determine the exact breakdown of responsibilities by mutual agreement. The VGC transitions to the next General Chair (GC) after the current event is over.
  • Conference Chair (CC)
    • The ESWEEK Conference Chair serves as a single “external face” in the form of a well-recognized local academic/researcher who has the visibility and gravitas to help the organizing team raise local funding, liaise with local officials, and improve local academic/industry participation. The ESWEEK Conference Chair position is an “honorary” title, with little operational responsibility.The organizational team can use this visible title for soliciting local support from universities, the city, government, foundations, etc.  The ESWEEK Conference Chair (as a respected local researcher), can also help with mobilizing additional attendance at the ESWEEK event.  In rare/unforeseen instances (e.g., communication breakdown in the organizing team), the ESWEEK Conference Chair can also step in to help resolve and smoothen the local organization for ESWEEK.
  • Local Arrangements Chair
    • Responsible for the organization of the venue, rooms, transportation, hotels, hardware (laptops, printer, cams and mics for video conferencing, …), Contact point with the conference center and hotel if applicable.
  • Finance Chair
    • Responsible for the TMRF, approval by the societies (ACM/IEEE), and all the financial bookkeeping of the event.
  • Industry Liaison Chair
    • Responsible for soliciting donations from companies. The chair heads the Industry Liaison Committee which is selected by the General and the Finance Chairs.
  • Publications Chair
    • Responsible for coordinating final submission of ESWeek accepted manuscripts, production of the proceedings, and making sure all goes well with the publisher
  • Publicity Chair(s)
    • Responsible for promoting the conference in all possible ways
  • Tutorials Chair
    • In consultation with the General Chair and the 3 Technical Program Chairs, this person will organize the tutorials (although the speakers may be contacted by other people)
  • Workshops Chair
    • Coordinates workshop proposal submission, evaluation, and selection in consultation with the General Chair and the 3 Technical Program Chairs
  • Panels Chair
    • Coordinates selection of ESWEEK panels together with the Technical Program Chairs
  • Awards Chair
    • Coordinate the awards given by each conference (i.e., best paper). The responsibility for choosing the best papers obviously falls with the corresponding technical program chairs of each conference.
  • Web Chair
    • Responsible for maintaining the ESWEEK web sites
  • Registration Chair
    • If needed. Sometimes the registration is outsourced, thus almost eliminating the need for this position.
  • Regional Liaisons
    • If needed. Liaisons in different regions of the world to help with publicity and contact companies for support.
  • Technical Program Chairs of CASES, CODES+ISSS, and EMSOFT
    • The 3 TPC Chairs are also part of the ESWEEK Organizing Committee and should be consulted and take part in any decision regarding the technical program of the conference.

ESWEEK  (Vice-)General Chair Selection and VCG/GC/PGC Succession Pipeline

ESWEEK will use a ladder scheme to promote people to the GC position. There will be one General Chair (GC) and one Vice-General Chair (VGC) every year. Both will have overall responsibilities for the organization of ESWEEK in that year. The VGC will take over the GC position in the following year.

The ESWEEK VGC will be selected by the ESWEEK SC. The VGC candidates come from the pool of current and past ESWEEK OC members, and current and past TPC chairs.

Note that this VGC/GC/PGC/PPGC ladder scheme requires the VGC candidates to commit to working for the conference for at least 4 years, and provides for some level of continuity in the organization of ESWEEK.


Document History

  • December 2014:Approved by ESWEEK SC
  • November 2015: Added position of ESWEEK Conference Chair to OC
  • May 2021:Expand the ESWEEK SC to include a rotating pool of 4 GC-level individuals:  past 2 GCs (PPGC, PGC) + current GC + next GC (i.e., VGC)
  • April 2023:Updated Bylaws with SC rotation rules & selection of SC Chair.
  • September 2023: Updated Bylaws to include ESWEEK-associated journal EiCs in the in-person extended SC meeting at ESWEEK.


ESWEEK  2021 SC Composition

Nikil Dutt <>,</>

“X. Sharon Hu” <>,</>

Christoph Kirsch <>,</>

Wang Yi <>,</>

Vinod Kathail <>,</>

joerg henkel <>,</>

Andreas Gerstlauer <>:                2021 GC

Aviral Shrivastava <>:           2021 VGC

Tulika Mitra <>:                        2021 PGC

Petru Eles <>:                                      2021 PPGC

ESWEEK 2021 Society Representatives:

Atienza Alonso David <>:              IEEE CEDA/CAS

Steve (Xue) Liu <>.:              ACM SIGBED</>

(was James Anderson)

Erik Altman <>:                            ACM SIGMICRO

Sudeep Pasricha <>:                    ACM SIGDA



Nikil Dutt <>,</>

Petru Eles <>,

Christoph Kirsch <>,</>

Wang Yi <>,</>

Vinod Kathail <>,</>

joerg henkel <>,</>

Aviral Shrivastava <>:           2022 GC

“X. Sharon Hu” <>:                                     2022 VGC

Andreas Gerstlauer <>:                2022 PGC

Tulika Mitra <>:                        2022 PPGC

ESWEEK 2022 Society Representatives:

Atienza Alonso David <>:              IEEE CEDA/CAS

Wanli Chang <>:                  ACM SIGBED</>

Erik Altman <>:                            ACM SIGMICRO

Sudeep Pasricha <>:                    ACM SIGDA



Nikil Dutt <>,</>

Petru Eles <>,

Christoph Kirsch <>,</>

Wang Yi <>,</>

Vinod Kathail <>,</>

joerg henkel <>,</>

“X. Sharon Hu” <>:                                     2023 GC

Alain Girault <>                              2023 VGC</>

Aviral Shrivastava <>:           2023 PGC

Andreas Gerstlauer <>:                2023 PPGC

ESWEEK 2023 Society Representatives:

Atienza Alonso David <>:              IEEE CEDA/CAS

Wanli Chang <>:                  ACM SIGBED</>

Erik Altman <>:                            ACM SIGMICRO

Sudeep Pasricha <>:                    ACM SIGDA


Links to Other docs


(maintained by Andreas Gerstlauer):